Demand … or Be Damned

I was invited by Kevin Zeese to contribute something to Popular Resistance a while back, to contribute a call for an action in response to current education reform policies, including but not limited to, any piece of fecal detritus spewed by Betsy Devos and company. I struggled to formulate a response to that request mostlyContinue reading “Demand … or Be Damned”

My Response to the New York Times’ Google Article: What They left Out. A Lot!

Dear New York Times, I know that there’s a greater chance of me winning the lottery than there is in you actually publishing what I have to say in an Op Ed. So let’s pretend for a moment this response is actually IN the New York Times and not my little blog, and that millionsContinue reading “My Response to the New York Times’ Google Article: What They left Out. A Lot!”

Compromise or Corporatize?

A passage from Tipu’s Tiger, a writing collective*: “The concept of allyship has been instrumental in imposing more moderate power brokers and elite protest managers on decentralized movements in an attempt to rein in disruptive protest. Any social movement in recent memory that has attempted to break the mold of permitted rallies and marches, andContinue reading “Compromise or Corporatize?”

A View of the Long Game: Where Art Thou Public Education?

  The privatizers are busy at work. Unless you live under a rock (a tempting thought lately…) you probably feel like I do every time you turn on the news; the sensation of riding the Tilt a Whirl while taking ‘shrooms. It’s exhausting at best, and terrifying at worst; trying to untangle what is happeningContinue reading “A View of the Long Game: Where Art Thou Public Education?”

How Big Data Becomes Psy Ops and Tilts the World Towards its Own Aims: Next Stop, Public Education

  The psy ops tactics used to get Donald Trump elected to the U.S. Presidency (still having gag reflex) are the same ones being used in public schools, using children as their “data” source. Given the power they had on influencing the electorate, imagine what they could do with 12 years of public school dataContinue reading “How Big Data Becomes Psy Ops and Tilts the World Towards its Own Aims: Next Stop, Public Education”

Get Woke, White People! – By Bill Ayers

A re-posting from GET WOKE, White People! The world-wide outpouring of rage immediately following the inauguration of Donald Trump was dazzling and heartening. Women in the lead, connections and intersectionality in the air, humor, art, determination, solidarity—the people rising, the popular opposition on display. I loved so many signs waving in the streets of Washington: “FightContinue reading “Get Woke, White People! – By Bill Ayers”

Because 2016 was Surreal, So What’s Next?

In honor of the announcement by Merriam Webster Dictionary that “surreal” was the word of 2016 I am re-posting a older piece I wrote for United Opt Out almost one year ago. Now… more relevant than ever. Annual standardized testing has given way to Competency Based online delivery systems, all…the…time. Race to the Top hasContinue reading “Because 2016 was Surreal, So What’s Next?”

On the State of the Resistance Movement: Between Murder and Suicide and the Need to Claim a Third Space

This post has migrated. Please visit Busted Pencils for this and any future blog posts: In May of 2016 I officially resigned as an administrator for United Opt Out a group I help create in 2011 along with Peggy Robertson, Tim Slekar, Ceresta Smith, Shaun Johnson, and Laurie Murphy. Since then, Shaun and Laurie rolledContinue reading “On the State of the Resistance Movement: Between Murder and Suicide and the Need to Claim a Third Space”

CBE and ALEC Preparing Students for the Gig Economy

“Career and College Ready?” (image link) Pearson, of course, was ahead of the pack as usual… developing a school- to -labor pipeline that suites the corporate masters.  As this blog explains, Competency Based Education becomes the framework for “badges” instead of credit hours and prepares students for career and college which is code for theContinue reading “CBE and ALEC Preparing Students for the Gig Economy”

Data Disruptors

Fight The Ed Reform 2.0 Agenda

Peg with Pen

Authored by Morna McDermott-A blog dedicated to democracy, public education, and the power of the imagination

Dissident Voice

Authored by Morna McDermott-A blog dedicated to democracy, public education, and the power of the imagination

The in·ter·reg·num

A site for radical edu-science fiction


Commenting on the State of the World From Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Cloaking Inequity

A website focused on education and social justice research

dr. p.l. (paul) thomas

educator, public scholar, poet&writer - academic freedom isn't free

Chris Mercogliano

Authored by Morna McDermott-A blog dedicated to democracy, public education, and the power of the imagination

Reclaim Reform

by Ken Previti

Re:education in Baltimore

A city mom thinks outside the sandbox.

Fred Klonsky

The thoughts of a retired public school teacher.